Does a Pre-Owned UPS Make Sense For My Business?
For some, the thought of purchasing used equipment can feel like a poor investment, or carry unnecessary risk. Pre-owned, or “used” may make some people think of something not kept up or problematic, that another party simply wants to get rid of. Maybe something destined for the junkyard? While this imagery may be understandable, this conception is just plain wrong.
The reason the term “pre-owned” exists is to designate that a product cannot be sold as new, but is often a perfectly good product. In the case of UPS providers, pre-owned equipment must be tested, fully certified and prepared for legitimate resale. In fact, if purchasing from a reputable UPS service provider, a pre-owned UPS should come with a warranty and is often a great investment.
Pre-owned UPS systems are typically available on the market due to reasons other than failure or poor design.
There are many reasons why a UPS system may be resold as pre-owned UPS. These include:
- The previous owner experiences a major change in equipment needs and replaced the unit
- Minor damage to the exterior (scratches, dents, bumps)
- It is not considered an asset to the original owner and is thus sold
- It was used as a demonstration or display unit
- The model year may be a couple of years older than the most current model
If you have a chance to buy one of these systems, congratulations! You can usually get these units at a significant discount, often still with a warranty, and they tend to ship more quickly than new equipment as they have already been tested.
For many businesses, there are specific reasons they will consider pre-owned units versus new units. Some of these reasons may be:

- They don’t need it that long. Maybe a scientific company needs the UPS for a temporary experiment. Perhaps a company is doing a power or service upgrade and won’t need the unit once finished. Whatever the reason, it gives companies a more affordable option for something they won’t need forever.
- Limited access to capital. Maybe your company is a start-up and is running lean to grow. Maybe your company isn’t used to spending a lot on back-up power or conditioning. Maybe your powers-that-be feel a back-up site that isn’t running all the time doesn’t need the newest equipment. These reasons and more are a great example of when pre-owned equipment is a great alternative to save some cash.
- The company is moving or the facility they are in is not permanent. No one wants to shell out large amounts of money for an asset that won’t be able to travel with them in the future. Utilizing a pre-owned UPS gives an option for a more affordable investment in the short term, and may be easier to resell when the company moves if the UPS cannot move with them.
So where do you turn when you are looking for a well-tested, pre-owned unit that has been evaluated by quality technicians? Look no further! Quality Power Solutions makes a habit of stocking a number of both new and pre-owned UPS units in our warehouse that are fully tested and ready to ship. If you are not sure what to look for when shopping for a pre-owned UPS, let QPS help design and select the best pre-owned UPS system available. Contact QPS today to get started.
Published on Jun 26 2018
Last Updated on Oct 17 2023