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3 Reasons to Get UPS Maintenance

Why the Best Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems Prioritize Regular Maintenance Checks

The verdict is in: the number one way to keep your uninterruptible power supply (UPS) up and running is to schedule regular maintenance checks. Here are three ways UPS maintenance can provide insight into the health and life expectancy of your critical infrastructure—and cover your bases in the process.

Regular UPS Maintenance checks prevent battery failures

Battery failure is the leading cause of UPS failure. But batteries rarely fail overnight. Instead, they typically slowly decay, often giving you time to catch and replace them before they flatline.

Regular maintenance can significantly extend uninterruptible power supply battery life. Preventative maintenance for uninterruptible power supply batteries includes visual inspection, battery voltage testing, thermal image scans, and more—all of which can help determine the health of your battery system. If tests show any irregularities, we can determine how long your battery has left and when you should replace it.

Even if your battery manufacturer says your battery has an expected lifespan of four to five years or even longer, it’s still important to regularly schedule maintenance checks. Adverse environmental effects, such as storing your UPS in a hot room, incorrect float voltage, or repeated battery use can significantly reduce a battery’s projected life.

It comes down to this: There’s no real way of knowing how much life your battery has left without a maintenance check.

Most UPS manufacturers recommend scheduling two preventative maintenance checks annually. Just take a look at the graphic below to see how much each check improves your battery’s uptime:

Number of Annual Preventive Maintenance Visits vs. Uptime Improvement

Source: Ponemon Institute © Research Report 2010

Regular UPS maintenance checks increase facility uptime

The best uninterruptible power supply companies understand that their ability to provide a service or product on time is crucial to building trust with their clients. A smart organization that has invested money and effort into uninterruptible power supply system design and installing a mission critical power backup system should also maintain that equipment.

Poorly maintained UPS systems can be hazardous and expensive. Regular uninterruptible power supply maintenance and system inspections can greatly reduce the risk of downtime in a facility, directly impacting the bottom line.

Not only do regular maintenance inspections increase uptime and reliability, but preventative maintenance can also help lower operational costs in two significant ways:

1.) A maintenance provider should also be a solutions provider, helping you understand if your equipment is operating efficiently and is appropriate for your facility and application. A poorly designed or maintained power system can cost your facility thousands in wasted energy every year.

2.) A maintenance provider that is familiar with your equipment and facility can respond with confidence in the event of an emergency. Power outages do happen and if there is an emergency, having a solutions provider on your team is critical to getting your operations back on track and minimizing disruption.

Remember, every minute of downtime is another minute of lost production, sales and reputation.

Regular UPS maintenance can help avoid a catastrophic loss

Power quality issues can stem from various sources, including your UPS as well as other equipment in or around the facility. During every maintenance check, we’ll look at the UPS system with an experienced eye to help pinpoint failing components.

While every UPS system is different, there are common maintenance actions that should be adhered to. We even have a more complete list of what is performed during a preventive maintenance visit.

A trained technician will investigate and test many of the internal components that are prone to failure. In addition to batteries, these components include, but are not limited to:

Regular UPS maintenance is essential to the health of your mission critical power infrastructure.  You wouldn’t expect your car to continue running smoothly without an oil change and other regular maintenance. The same goes for your UPS and battery systems.

Unscheduled power failures and subsequent loss of critical loads is costly and painful.  Avoid the pain and schedule yours today—they’re the surefire way to ensure you have a dependable UPS to keep your facility and business running.

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