Cut Your UPS Energy Costs
Find Energy Savings with Quality Power Solutions
January 10th is “National Cut Your Energy Costs Day,” and to celebrate, Quality Power Solutions is highlighting ways your organization can cut energy costs without sacrificing your critical infrastructure.
For most organizations, your Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is online 7 x 24 x 365 and never takes a break. But, did you know that your UPS system can be an enormous energy hog?
Some of our customers realized that they were losing over $250,000.00 over the course of a UPS system’s life – just due to inefficiencies. How can this be?
At critical facilities, loads are supported using a double conversion, true online UPS. This means that the UPS system converts the incoming alternating current (AC) power to direct current (DC) and then back to AC power on the unit’s output. Along the way, efficiency losses can occur in the rectifier section, capacitors, fans, or output inverter. The more efficient this process happens, the better.

So, how do you determine how efficient your UPS system is?
You can learn more about your individual cost savings by checking out our Energy Savings Calculator here.
Our team of Technical Engineers can also complete a study and determine how much you can save by replacing your aging UPS units. Get in touch with them today by using the form below.
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Published on Jan 09 2024